Daily Archives: 10 May 2024

PLC Programmable Logic Controllers


Understanding Programmable Logic Controllers PLC PLC Introduction: PLC in industrial automation, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) stand as the unsung heroes, orchestrating the intricate dance of machinery and processes. These robust and versatile devices serve as the nerve center, ensuring efficiency, reliability, and safety across a multitude of industries. This article delves into the essence of […]

Arduino Code for Controlling Motors

Arduino Code for Controlling Motors Arduino Code for Controlling Motors ,The AFMotor library, which interfaces with the motor hardware, anticipates a PWM value ranging from 0 to 255. Therefore, the motorSetSpeed function in the RobotMotor library utilizes the map function to convert the percent into a PWM value, as demonstrated in Example 7-1. Example 71. […]

Arduino Robot Speed and Direction

Arduino Robot Speed and Direction, we will examine robot motor control fundamentals for both two and four-wheeled platforms. The detailed motor controller hardware and the code utilized to enable this feature are included in the drawings. All sketches use the RobotMotor library, which offers a uniform interface to the hardware-specific motor system. Move, an optional […]